Sunday, 16 October 2011

Week3. Ear.

I was not looking forward to modelling the ear as the shape appeared to be very difficult with all the curves and bumps inside. I have found the ear part to be very challenging. At the end i had to do my ear again cause the first one looked very disappointing. I am putting few images from the first attempt.

When drawing a topology in photoshop for the first ear I have tried to keep the quad number to minimum. This caused some problems while creating the curves and bumps in the 3d max. So after playing around and moving the vertices I eventually decided to create new topology with more detail/quads in it.

With new topology I started creating splines in the 3d max. To ease the process I turned the snaps toggle with snapping set to vertex. Then I selected one of the splines and converted it to editable poly. I attached other splines using attach tool. Using weld tool i welded the multiple vertices. Once I had the solid ear mesh I have started to move vertices on x axis to give the depth to the mesh.

After a while the mesh got a shape of the ear. Then using polygon inset tool I created more polygons for the inside of the ear. This allowed to give more detail to ear.

I created few more polygons with create tool in polygon mode. They were used to connect ear to the head. Then I created the back of the ear by selecting open edges and shift dragging them twice. With scale tool I managed to move the edges inside. Then I created new polygons to decrease number of vertices that are going to be connected with the head. Then I aligned the vertices that are going to be connected with the head and attached ear to head. Finally I welded the vertices and got finished head model.

Here is the image with finished head model and first ear model on the left.

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